Gina Joy Carano, a former mixed martial artist and fitness model who is also an actor. She was crowned The Woman's Face of MMA when she began her professional career with Muay Thai. She boasts an outstanding Muay Thai competition record of 12 wins, one loss, and one draw. Also, she is the first American woman to have won an honor in Thailand with Muay Thai. She trained in gymnastics, jazz tap ballet as well as horses while growing up and was a star in volleyball and softball in school. Jiujitsu and wrestling are two of the other sports she learned about. She is a winner with seven wins and only one loss in her MMA. It was her combination of strength techniques and her personality in alongside her gorgeous appearance and laid-back attitude that helped her become a well-known MMA fighter. She's appeared as an actress in Hollywood blockbusters like Haywire, Fast & Furious 6' and other Hollywood smashes. The actress was frequently criticized that made use of her sexuality to gain a foothold in the industry. These harsh remarks never slowed her charismatic spirit, and her admirers continued to pour their love over her. Because of her incredible talent, strength of character and perseverance, she has become an inspiration for thousands of people.
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